Know the Value of Bitcoin and Satoshi
Sunday, December 16, 2018
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Know the Value of Bitcoin and Satoshi
Differences in the Value of Bitcoin and Satoshi
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, a digital currency that has a very high value, if made into dollars it can reach $ 3,200 (December 16, 2018). Bitcoin prices can change at any time, can go down can also rise. But based on data, the value of Bitcoin continues to increase, which is why many people are looking for Bitcoin.
When mining Bitcoin you will definitely see decimal numbers with lots of zeros, like:
This value is Bitcoin but is called a Satoshi unit. You don't need to be confused or surprised if the Bitcoin balance has many zeros. You get Satoshi coins, it's like Bitcoin like Dollar and Cent.
Here is the Bitcoin Value:
0.00000001 BTC = 1 Satoshi
0.0000001 BTC = 10 Satoshi
0.000001 BTC = 1 uBTC (Micro)
0.00001 BTC = 10 uBTC
0,0001 BTC = 100 uBTC
0.001 BTC = 1 mBTC (Mili)
0.01 BTC = 10 mBTC
0.1 BTC = 100 mBTC
1 BTC = 1 BTC
10 BTC = 10 BTC
100 BTC = 100 BTC
1,000 BTC = 1 kBTC (kilo)
10,000 BTC = 10 kBTC
100,000 BTC = 100 kBTC
1,000,000 BTC = 1MBTC (mega)
10,000,000 BTC = 10MBTC
So that for 1 BTC = 1,000,000,000 Satoshi
Now you don't need to be confused if you get the 0.00000 number on Bitcoin income, because what you collect is Satoshi's form.
That is information about Bitcoin and Satoshi Values in detail, hopefully useful. Thank you for visiting.
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