Benefits of Onion Vegetables for Health
Sunday, January 20, 2019
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Benefits of Onion Vegetables for Health
Information on the Benefits of Onion Vegetables
Onions are a type of vegetable that is often used as a spice, but now many are also used as snacks. The popular one is Onion Ring, the ingredient is onions mixed with flour. Onion has a tasty and tasty taste, some people like raw onion. In addition, the efficacy or benefits of Onion for Health is also very good. Onions contain many good nutrients for the body. Here are the benefits of Garlic for Body Health:
1. Heart health
Onions have very good benefits for the health of the heart and blood vessels. From maintaining blood pressure, to reducing the risk of a heart attack. This is because of the content of potassium in onions which has a blood pressure-lowering effect. Quercetin, a type of flavonoids in onions, also helps potassium maintain blood pressure and improve overall heart health.
2. Prevent Cancer Cells
The content of the onion is to prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body. Onions enter the allium vegetable group. This allium vegetable has the advantage of preventing cancer, especially stomach and colorectal cancer (Colon Cancer) because the organosulfur compounds in it are very high. These compounds play an important role in preventing the formation of free radicals in the body, onions are also a source of antioxidants from Vitamin C which is very strong. This condition makes onions have a great power to ward off free radicals that trigger cancer.
3. Immunity
Onions are also useful as a Body Immunity System, the content of Polyphenols in Onions acts as an Antioxidant, protecting the body from free radicals. Reduced piles of free radicals in the body can help push the immune system stronger. So that the body is stronger than various diseases such as diarrhea, flu, cough, and other common diseases.
4. Better mood
Folate found in onions can also reduce the symptoms of depression reported on the Medical News Today website. Folate reduces the formation of homocysteine, a compound that can prevent blood and nutrients from reaching the brain optimally. By suppressing homocysteine production, this means the production of chemicals in the brain such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine can be produced smoothly. The production of brain chemicals that smoothly makes the brain more optimal in regulating moods, sleep cycles, and also appetite. A better mood can be easier to think when working, school, or in doing various other things.
5. Maintaining Blood Sugar Levels
The content of chromium contained in onions has a role to help regulate blood sugar levels. Sulfur in onions helps lower blood sugar and triggers an increase in insulin production. Very useful for people with diabetes or patients who experience high sugar levels. Onions are very safe for consumption by sugar sufferers or to keep sugar content safe.
That is the benefit of Onion Vegetables in the body, hopefully it is useful. See also the benefits of other vegetables for health. Thank you for visiting Next-Siooon (NS).
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