About Safe Mode Information with Benefits and Functions

Safe Mode Information with Benefits and Functions
Knowing Safe Mode Features in Laptop Computer System Operations

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      For some reason, the longer we use or access Windows on a computer / laptop, usually it will feel like slowing down, often lagging, or experiencing errors such as bugs. That's because a lot of Activity Log files that accumulate that make Windows even heavier. Every day we run various programs on computers / laptops, often we even install various new programs. And the other most dangerous thing is when using the Internet often various malware comes in through an internet connection. This makes Windows performance slower and may experience errors.
     The most fatal effect if Windows is damaged is the difficulty of entering the Desktop, when turned on it will stop Loading on the Windows logo. Maybe for some people who understand about Software or Windows will understand if you have to repair or even reinstall. But what if you really need the computer / laptop and are trying to do something in a hurry. There is one way you can use it as an alternative so you can enter the Desktop, that is by using Safe Mode.

Safe Mode is a feature of Windows that is used to Enter Desktop but turns off various effects on Windows. The appearance is very simple but very light but Safe Mode is very powerful as a temporary way to get into the Desktop. 

     In theory Safe Mode is a safe mode or method used by users when trying to repair damage that occurs on a computer system. This mode of course aims to deal with errors that occur in safe mode. If interpreted in language is safe (English) means safe, while mode (English) means the way or mode. As the name implies, safe mode is only used in emergencies in a safe manner. With this safe mode feature, users can find out what happened to their computer. No wonder the safe mode feature is also known as a minimal Windows or emergency version. Safe mode is one of the options or options found in the Windows Advanced Options Menu section. In this section there are various choices with various destinations as well. It is common for Windows operating systems to often experience bugs, errors, or defects. This might also occur because viruses and malware can easily attack this operating system. In addition, in some cases users sometimes cannot know the cause of the error experienced. This is where the important role of safe mode is to solve the problems that occur. In safe mode, the Windows operating system will turn off or deactivate all programs and drivers that are not used when this mode is running. In other words, Windows will run in minimal mode where only important programs and drivers remain activated. This aims to facilitate the user in finding the cause of the error that occurred.

This safe mode mode itself is usually divided into three parts options, namely:
1. Safe Mode
In this option or first choice, Windows will only run using safe mode that does not run unnecessary programs or drivers.

2. Safe Mode with Networking
Then, in this option or second option, Windows is also in safe mode but the operating system still uses network drivers as computer access to connect to the network or network.

3. Safe Mode with Command Prompt
In this option or last option, Windows will also run using safe mode but with the Command Prompt desktop application. Usually, this option is intended only for administrators or programmers who do understand the command line or command line. 

     The Microsoft company as the maker of Windows System Operations states that the Safe Mode Feature by default is very useful for:

1. Tools for Temporary Desktop Entry
    This is the most widely used, Safe Mode is very useful and useful as an Alternative Way to enter the Desktop Computer-Laptop even though the Computer is experiencing damage (Windows). This is useful for users who are in a hurry and who really need computer access. Although Safe Mode has a very simple interface but is very useful for opening various applications or programs. Safe Mode can also be used to analyze or find out the cause of damage in Windows.

2. Detecting Damage
     The safe mode function is to provide an opportunity for users to check for errors that occur on the computer so that these errors can be detected. Because not infrequently the errors that occur on the system cannot be found by users. This certainly makes users confused to fix it. The damage itself can come from the system, installed applications, or from other sources.

3. Handle / Repair Damage
    This includes the main function of safe mode itself. In this safe mode, users can handle or repair the damage that occurs to the system. This can be in the form of uninstalling applications that cause computer errors, deactivating certain programs, and so on.

4. Running Checkdisk (CHKDSK)
     In addition, in safe mode it is also capable of verifying the integrity of the file system stored on the hard disk. Thus, the computer will display the integrity status of the file system.
     Furthermore, users can fix errors that occur on the hard drive or the Windows file system. This is because checkdisk has an automatic repair function that can fix it automatically. To be able to run this checkdisk, users must choose the safe mode option with command prompt.

5. Remove Virus or Malware
     By using safe mode, users can overcome the problem of viruses or malware that attacks computers. Usually viruses and antimalware cannot run in safe mode or this safe mode. Even though the computer is equipped with antivirus and antimalware, it still does not rule out the possibility of the computer being attacked.
     In this regard, the safe mode option is quite effective in overcoming this problem, namely by using the option or safe mode with command prompt. Because on that option, viruses and antimalware that are difficult to overcome can be easily and quickly deleted. This is because the command prompt window allows users to run antivirus or antimalware. However, not all antivirus or antimalware can run in this mode.

6. Perform a Restore System
     The other function of safe mode is to be able to run system restore. Although this system restore can run in normal mode, but these methods are not safe enough if a problem occurs. The Restore System is very useful for those of you who want to restore the Computer Settings or State to the previous state. Suppose that on February 25, 2019 the computer experiences damage so it often hangs or often restarts. You can take advantage of the Safe Mode feature and then do a Restore, for example, on January 1, 2019 where at that time the Computer Condition was still good.

7. Access the Registry Editor
     For users who frequently tamper with regedit or the registry editor, they will be very grateful that when safe mode can actually access the registry editor. This certainly allows users to check and change values ​​on various systems. Although it can be done in normal mode, but accessing the registry editor in safe mode is certainly safer from errors that occur.

     That's information about Safe Mode in Windows, the next article Next Siooon will discuss how to enter using Safe Mode on Windows. Thank you for visiting Next Siooon, hopefully it's useful.

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