Tips for Caring for Computers Laptops
Saturday, March 2, 2019
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Tips for Caring for Computers Laptops
Some things that must be considered so that Laptops are not easily damaged
Computers or laptops are one of the most important items nowadays, because there are many activities and jobs that use computers. In addition, many people save important files or favorite files on computers such as pictures, photos, videos, and important documents. Therefore many people always take care and care for their computers so they are not easily damaged.
Caring for Laptops is indeed sometimes difficult, depending on us adjusting and getting used to using computers that are better, for example, do not leave the computer too long - Laptops are too long alive, do not smoke in front of laptops because the smoke can enter and damage the components. In addition, there are some tips that you can do to treat computers.
The following are some tips that you can do to treat laptops:
1. Turn off when not in use
Many people who leave computers are alive, like sleepy then you fall asleep. The longer the Computer-Laptop standby it makes the component work so that it is easily damaged. Especially on laptops that experience excessive heat then make components quickly experience errors. You should turn it off properly (Shutdown), avoid choosing Sleep, Standby, or even choose Hibernate.
2. Don't force PCs to do excessive multitasking
One of the benefits of PC-Laptop is to open many applications or games simultaneously, especially for those of you who are always looking for new things or trying various applications. Suppose you are doing something on a PC that forces you to open Office, Application Design like Corel Draw or Adobe, then you also open the Internet, even when you start all you open the Game without closing all open applications. This is very fatal and wrong because it forces the computers to work harder. We recommend that you close the Program that has not been used, it aims to minimize the burden of PC-Laptop.
3. Position the PC-Laptop Flatly
If you use a laptop you should use it in a flat place such as a table and make sure nothing is blocking. Laptop position that is tilted can affect the hard drive on a laptop that slows down, besides that the sloping position can affect other components. Avoid using a laptop on the mattress because it can make the hot temperature on the laptop not come out so that the laptop experiences excessive heat. In the long run, laptops will usually experience lag or performance will be very slow.
4. Clean Laptops Periodically
Next is that you have to clean the PC-Laptop starting from the Keyboard Screen until you open the Battery then put it back in. It was intended that the PC-Laptop components not be covered with dust which hindered the performance of the PC-Laptop. You can use a new Paint Brush to clean Dust on Computers, you should clean it once a week. But the more often the better.
5. Don't Eat Drinking in Front of Computers
The last is to prevent, you should not eat or drink in front of computers. This is to prevent the worst possibility, such as laptops overflowing with water, if the water enters, it will cause some Keyboard Keys to not work, Screen Off Total, until a short circuit occurs that makes all the components of the Laptop damaged. So instead of that happening you should prevent it by stopping eating and drinking in front of computers.
That's some tips in caring for laptops according to Next Siooon, hopefully useful. Thank you for visiting Next Siooon.
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