Get to know the Keyboard Function

Get to know the Keyboard Function (Quick Command)
Sequential and Complete Keyboard Combination Keys

Keyboard Key Functions, Secret Keyboard Key Combination, Take Action with Keyboard, Quick Command Keys with Keyboard, Collection of Keyboard Combination Keys with Benefits, Get to Know Keyboard Combination Keys, Know How to Run Commands Quickly through Keyboard, Secret to Keyboard, What is it Keyboard Combination Keys, Benefits of Keyboard Combination.

     Besides being used for typing, creating documents, the keyboard can be used several commands on a Laptop PC quickly. As for Copy Paste, usually using the Mouse by right-clicking. Can also use the Combination button on the Keyboard. It turns out that there are many functions of the Combination button (press together) that has a function or command. By using the Combination Button it will be faster than the Mouse. For those who don't know, here is the function of the combination button on the Keyboard on a PC-Laptop that will be shared Next Siooon (NS):

Ctrl + A - Select all text (block).
Ctrl + B - Thickens selected letters (Bold).
Ctrl + C - Copy / copy (Copy).
Ctrl + D - Select Font (Font).
Ctrl + E - Center alignment.
Ctrl + F - Search for Sentences (Find).
Ctrl + G - Go to.
Ctrl + H - Search for Sentences and Overlays (Find and Replace).
Ctrl + I - Create Italic letters.
Ctrl + J - Makes the text or text evenly left right / balanced (Justify).
Ctrl + K - Entering the Link (Insert Hyperlink).
Ctrl + L - Makes the text left flat (Left).
Ctrl + M - Shifts the paragraph to the right.
Ctrl + Shift + M - Shifts the placement of the paragraph to the left.
Ctrl + N - Create a new file (New).
Ctrl + O - Open file (Open).
Ctrl + P - Print file command (Print).
Ctrl + Q - Removes the settings that have been made.
Ctrl + R - Make right.
Ctrl + S - Save (Save).
F12 - Save again with the same or different name (save as).
Ctrl + T - Shifts the bottom tab to the right.
Ctrl + Shift + T - Shifts the bottom tab to the left.
Ctrl + U - Underline.
Ctrl + V - Paste.
Ctrl + W - Exits the file.
Ctrl + X - Cut (Cut).
Ctrl + Y - Clears the canceled command undo (Redo).
Ctrl + Z - Cancel the previous command (Undo).


ADDITIONAL BUTTON FUNCTION (On My Laptop, There may be a difference if different Laptops)
F1: Runs the help function provided in Word
F2: Moves the selected text or object
F3: Run the AutoText command
F4: Repeat the previous command
F5: Run the Find and Replace or Goto command
F6: Run the Other Pane Command
F7: Check typos and text spelling
F8: Initial command for highlighting / selecting text or objects
F9: Updating Field (Mail Merge)
F10: Activate the Menu
F11: Enter the next field (Mail Merge)
F12: Activate the Save As dialog
Esc: Cancel the dialog / command
Enter: Performs a selection or ends a paragraph
Tab: Move the text according to the tab mark that is on the horizontal horizon
Windows: Activating the Start Menu
Shortcut: Activates the shortcut at the cursor position
Delete: Deletes 1 character to the right of the cursor
Backspace: Deletes 1 character to the left of the cursor
Insert: Inserts the character in the cursor position
Home: Move the kurosr position to the beginning of the line
End: Moves the kurosr position to the end of the line
Page Up: Scrolls the screen up
Page Down: Scrolls the screen up
Up: Moves the cursor 1 line up
Down: Moves the cursor 1 line down
Left: Moves the cursor 1 character to the left
Right: Moves the cursor 1 character to the right
Num Lock On: Number typing functions and active mathematical operators
Num Lock Off: Function of the active navigation key
Shift + F10: Opens a shortcut menu, just like right-clicking
Alt: Button presses that are not combined with other buttons only
function to activate or start using the menu bar
Shift + Delete: Deletes selected items permanently without placing items
in the Recycle Bin

Ctrl + Right Arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word
Ctrl + Left Arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
Ctrl + Down Arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
Ctrl + Up Arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph
Alt + F4: Close the active item, or exit the active program
Alt + Enter: Displays the properties of the selected object
Alt + Spacebar: Open the shortcut menu for the active window
Ctrl + F4: Close Active Programs
Alt + Tab: Switch between open items
Alt + Esc: Cycle through items in the order they have been opened
Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Move backward through tabs
Shift + Tab: Moves backward through options.

Windows (Showing or hiding the Start menu)
Windows logo + BREAK (Display the System Properties dialog box)
Windows logo + D (Showing the desktop)
Windows logo + M (Minimizes all windows)
Windows logo + SHIFT + M (Restoring minimized windows)
Windows logo + E (Open My Computer)
Windows logo + F (Search for a file or folder)
CTRL + Windows Logo + F (Search for computers)
Windows logo + F1 (Showing Windows Help)
Windows logo + L (Locking keyboard)
Windows logo + R (Opens the Run dialog box)
Windows logo + U (Opens Utility Manager)

CTRL + C (Copy)
CTRL + X (Cut)
CTRL + V (Paste)
CTRL + Y (Redo)
CTRL + Z (Undo)
DELETE (Delete)
SHIFT + DELETE (Delete selected items permanently Recycle Bin)
CTRL + RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point (cursor) to the beginning of the next word)
CTRL + LEFT ARROW (Moves the insertion point (cursor) to the beginning of the previous word)
CTRL + DOWN ARROW (Moves the insertion point (cursor) to the beginning of the next paragraph)
CTRL + UP ARROW (Moves the insertion point (cursor) to the beginning of the previous paragraph)
CTRL + SHIFT with one ARROW KEY (Highlight text block)
CTRL + A (Select all)
F3 button (Search for a file or folder)
ALT + ENTER (View properties for selected items)
ALT + F4 (Close active item, or exit active program)
ALT + ENTER (Display the properties of the selected object)
ALT + SPACEBAR (Open the shortcut menu for active windows)
CTRL + F4 (Close the Active document)
ALT + TAB (Switch between open items)
ALT + ESC (Cycle through items in the order they have been opened)
SHIFT + F10 (Display the shortcut menu for the selected item)
ALT + SPACEBAR (System menu display for active windows)
CTRL + ESC (Display the Start menu)
CTRL + TAB (Move forward via tab)
CTRL + SHIFT + TAB (Move backwards through tabs)
SHIFT + TAB (Move backwards through selection)

     Those are some key combinations on the PC-Laptop Computer Keyboard that can be used to execute a command quickly. May be useful,

Keywords: Keyboard Key Functions, Secret Keyboard Key Combination, Take Action with Keyboard, Quick Command Keys with Keyboard, Collection of Keyboard Combination Keys with Benefits, Get to Know Keyboard Combination Keys, Know How to Run Commands Quickly through Keyboard, Secret to Keyboard, What is it Keyboard Combination Keys, Benefits of Keyboard Combination.

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