Get to Know the Blogger Dashboard Menu

Get to Know the Blogger Dashboard Menu
Function Menu on the Blogspot Dashboard

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      For those of you who are just creating a Blog for the first time, you must be confused and not aware of the menu functions on the Blogger Dashboard. To be able to set up and create a good Blog you must know and master all the Menu on the Blogger Dashboard. Do not let one mess around making your blog mess. Therefore you have to know the function, here is information about the menu on the Blogger Dashboard:

For simplicity, Next Siooon will discuss it starting from the top menu.

The top part is the Blog Name, the down arrow is used to switch to another Blog if you have Blog 2 or more.

View Blog: Used to view Blog Views, if you edit or add something on the Blog to see it, you can click View Blog. Your blog will appear in the New Tab on the Browser.

Posts: This menu is useful for managing your Blog's Posts / Articles, you can add Post, edit, delete posts. Everything related to Article Posts you can set it here.

Stats: Its function is to see the development of the Blog, there will appear information about the Number of Visitors, visitors coming from which country, what visitors use the browser, and where visitors find your blog like for example from Google Search Engine, Facebook, Twitter or even other Blogs .

Comments: useful for managing any comments that come in, if anyone comments you can see it here. Very useful to make it easier if you want to reply or delete comments. This menu is used to view, reply to, or delete incoming comments.

Earnings: If your blog has managed to get a lot of visitors and contains useful information, your blog can earn money with this menu. Its function is to make Monetization Blog so that it can get money.

Pages: This menu is almost the same as Post, the difference is that here it is used to create Pages such as Contacts, About Us, Disclaimer, or other Pages as Blog Identities. Pages are different from Post that appears in the main menu of the Blog or easily searchable, usually Pages are only used for Blog Identities which are rarely indexed by Search Engines.

Layout: Used to set Widgets, you can add, edit, or delete widgets. The widget is an addition that appears at the top, side and bottom of Blogger. You can add popular articles, hours, dates, banners, or various things that make the blog more interesting.

Theme: For you to edit or change the Themes on the Blog, if you feel bored or feel less with the previous theme you can change the theme more interesting. Besides that, here you can add HTML code to the theme.

Settings: Useful for changing Blog Settings, in this menu you can set Search Engines, Blog Names, Blog Addresses, and Delete Blogs. This menu is also used to add Blog Descriptions so that it is easier to find on search engines.

Reading List: You can find various information about Editing Blogs in this menu, you can read it to get information about Blogger.

Help: If you need help if you experience an error you can contact the Blogger Team through this menu. You can also post Suggestions and Critics on this menu.
     That's Dashboard Menu Blogger, thank you for visiting Next Siooon. Hopefully useful, see also other Blog guides.

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