How to Register a Blog or Website to Google Search Engines

How to Register a Blog or Website to Google Search Engines
Tips so that the Blog is indexed by Google Search Engines

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     The most effective way to bring a lot of visitors is by registering a Blog to Google Search Engines. By indexing the Blog to Google, your blog has the opportunity to be visited by millions of Internet users around the world. Because many people access Google every day, so Siooon's next suggestion if you have a Blog, immediately register a Blog on Google's Search Engine. If you have a Blog from Blogger, it will usually be indexed automatically. But to be more optimal, you should register your Blog with Google Search Engine. The place to register is Google Search Console.

     Google Search Console is a Google service for Blog / Website owners to register and store each Blog Link. This site is useful for registering Blogs to be indexed in Search Engines. You can find out the number of posts indexed or having problems. This feature is very useful for Google and Blog owners. Register your blog to Search Engines, here is a Guide to registering Blogs / Websites to Google Search Engines:

1. Open the web address then click Sign in to Webmaster Tools
     We recommend using Gmail Email (How to make Gmail Email)

2. Enter your Email Address and Gmail Password

3. Enter the address of the blog or website that will be registered then click ADD A SITE.

4. Then click Sitemap to enter your Blog Sitemap
    You can fill the sitemap with sitemap.xml

    Then click Submit Sitemap

5. If it's finished, you can click Refresh Page
6. Wait for the submit process to be submitted to the Sitemap and then click Refresh the page.

7. The next step is to Verify Blog Ownership
    Click the Gear Icon in the top right of the screen then click Verification Details

8. The following display will appear, then click Verify using a different method.

9. There are 5 choices such as HTML file upload, HTML tags, Domain name provider, Google Analytics, Google tag manager and to get a verification code that will be entered into the Blog select HTML tags then copy all
    Copy all Meta Tag Codes to paste on your Blog

10. Log in to your Blogger
      Then click Theme. Edit HTML

11. Paste all the copied code right below the code <head>
       Example see in the picture below

 12. After the template is saved then open the verification page again then click VERIFY.

13. If verification is successful, the display will appear as follows and click Continue.

14. Finish the blog has been registered
      The sitemap or site map has been submitted and the blog has been verified in Google Webmaster Tools
      Now you just have to wait and often Update Posts / Articles to maximize the Blog. Create quality articles / posts for easy indexing of Google and more posts listed on the Google Search Engine.
     That's Register Blog to Google Search Engine, thank you for visiting Next Siooon. Hopefully useful, see also other Blog guides.

Keyword: Register Blog to Google Search Engine, Guide Register Blog to Google Search Engine, Register Blog to Google Search Engine Free, Information About Register Blog to Google Search Engine, How to Register Blog to Google Search Engine, What is it Register Blog to Google Search Engine, Definition and Explanation Register Blog to Google Search Engine, Register Blog to Google Search Engine according to Next Siooon, Get Information about Register Blog to Google Search Engine according to Next Siooon (NS), Get Information about Register Blog to Google Search Engine Complete at, Tutorial Register Blog to Google Search Engine Complete with Pictures, Tutorial Register Blog to Google Search Engine Complete Obviously equipped with Images, Next Siooon discusses Register Blog to Google Search Engine in Detail, Info Details Register Blog to Google Search Engine at Next Siooon, Regarding Blogging, For Beginners Guide Register Blog to Google Search Engine, Example Register Blog to Google Search Engine Complete Details, Learning Register Blog to Google Search Engine Until You Can, Learning Register Blog to Google Search Engine To Succeed, Latest Tips Register Blog to Google Search Engine, Latest Information Register Blog to Google Search Engine Update, Discussion Register Blog to Google Search Engine, Articles about Register Blog to Google Search Engine Complete, Post about Register Blog to Google Search Engine Details and Complete, Read Tutorial about Register Blog to Google Search Engine at Next Siooon, What and How Register Blog to Google Search Engine Easy, Easy Tips Register Blog to Google Search Engine for Beginner, Basic Lesson Register Blog to Google Search Engine, Basic Guide Register Blog to Google Search Engine for Beginners.

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