How to Make a Picture on a Blog or Website can Not Copy

How to Make a Picture on a Blog or Website can Not Copy
Tips to prevent Blog Images from being stolen by others

     In addition to articles or posts that are protected it turns out that images can also be protected so that they cannot be copied or taken by others. All images will be safe because they cannot be saved or copied so other people cannot take pictures on our blog. Especially for all of us who make different images or edit them before entering into the Blog. That is certainly very detrimental, we are editing and making it while others just need to take it and install it. To prevent this, you can protect all the images on Blog Posts so that they are safer.

     You need to know if the image is also one of the important things for an article or post, with the article images more perfect because it is better than just writing. Besides that, Pictures can also be a place for SEO because some people use Search Engines to search for Images. It is possible for other people to find or visit your Blog because they see interesting images so they visit the Site of Origin of the Image. Therefore Images are important and should be present in every Post or Article. You can use the Script to protect your images so that they cannot be copied or taken by someone else. The following is how to prevent images from being taken by the blog or stolen by others:

1. Sign In to your Blogger, then select Menu Theme> Edit HTML

2. Then look for the code <body>, use Ctrl + F to make searching easier

3. Change the code <body> with the following code:
<body oncontextmenu='return false;' onkeydown='return false;' onmousedown='return false;' ondragstart='return false' onselectstart='return false' style='-moz-user-select: none; cursor: default;'>

4. If you have just click Save Template

5. Please check, now your pictures are safe and cannot be copied by others

Finish, now you are calm in editing or making pictures because they will not be copied or stolen by others. You can make images as good as possible to make your blog more attractive so that it can increase the number of visitors.
     That's Picture on a Blog or Website can Not Copy, thank you for visiting Next Siooon. Hopefully useful, see also other Blog guides.

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