How to make an Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted

How to make an Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted
Prevent Post Blogs or Websites from being stolen by others

Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Guide Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Free, Information About Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, How to Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, What is it Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Definition and Explanation Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted according to Next Siooon, Get Information about Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted according to Next Siooon (NS), Get Information about Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Complete at, Tutorial Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Complete with Pictures, Tutorial Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Complete Obviously equipped with Images, Next Siooon discusses Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted in Detail, Info Details Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted at Next Siooon, Regarding Blogging, For Beginners Guide Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Example Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Complete Details, Learning Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Until You Can, Learning Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted To Succeed, Latest Tips Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Latest Information Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Update, Discussion Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Articles about Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Complete, Post about Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Details and Complete, Read Tutorial about Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted at Next Siooon, What and How Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Easy, Easy Tips Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted for Beginner, Basic Lesson Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Basic Guide Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted for Beginners.

     A quality blog is a blog that provides information that is different from other people's blogs, the contents of posts or articles are different from others. It is able to make Blogs become SEO in Search Engines besides it can increase visitors because it provides information that is not on other sites. But a lot of irresponsible people make this an opportunity only for profit. Like copying articles or posts from other blogs to be installed on his own blog. That is certainly very detrimental to the original article maker, because the article becomes duplicate and not unique anymore. Especially for Blog owners who make Articles / Posts 100% of their own Thought Ideas.

     There is one way to overcome this, namely by using Protect on Articles / Posts so that it cannot be copied past by others. That prevents other people from stealing or duplicating our posts. The post will be blocked so that people who want to steal can't right click on the mouse so it won't be easy to copy paste. The following are ways to prevent Articles or Posts from being Copy Paste or stolen by others:

1. Enter your Blogger account
    After entering the Dashboard, you select the Theme menu> Edit HTML

2. Search code ]]> </ b: skin>, use Ctrl + F to make searching easier

3. After that enter the following code right above the code ]]> </ b: skin>
.post { -webkit-touch-callout:none; -webkit-user-select:none; -khtml-user-select:none; -ms-user-select:none; -moz-user-select:none; }
.post blockquote,.post pre,.post code { -webkit-touch-callout:text; -webkit-user-select:text; -khtml-user-select:text; -ms-user-select:text; -moz-user-select:text; }

If it's already then Save Template

4. Here is an example of a blog that has been installed with an anti-copy script, visible in certain parts that can be blocked and copied past as written in the quote and sidebar code as shown below

Finished, now all Articles / Posts on your Blog are safe and protected from various people who want to steal or duplicate. Come on for all of us to learn to appreciate the work of others, besides that, start learning to be creative and intelligent by making articles / postings from the ideas themselves. You may see articles / other people's blog posts just as a reference or example, NOT TO COPY ALL.

     That's Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, thank you for visiting Next Siooon. Hopefully useful, see also other Blog guides.

Keyword: Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Guide Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Free, Information About Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, How to Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, What is it Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Definition and Explanation Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted according to Next Siooon, Get Information about Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted according to Next Siooon (NS), Get Information about Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Complete at, Tutorial Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Complete with Pictures, Tutorial Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Complete Obviously equipped with Images, Next Siooon discusses Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted in Detail, Info Details Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted at Next Siooon, Regarding Blogging, For Beginners Guide Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Example Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Complete Details, Learning Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Until You Can, Learning Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted To Succeed, Latest Tips Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Latest Information Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Update, Discussion Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Articles about Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Complete, Post about Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Details and Complete, Read Tutorial about Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted at Next Siooon, What and How Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted Easy, Easy Tips Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted for Beginner, Basic Lesson Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted, Basic Guide Article or Blog Post Cannot be Copied and Pasted for Beginners.

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