How to easily check the specifications of PC-Laptop

How to easily check the specifications of PC-Laptop
Guide to Check Computer (PC)-Laptop Specs

Spesifikasi Notebook Laptop PC Komputer, Cara Memeriksa Spesifikasi Notebook Laptop PC Komputer, Cara Tahu Spesifikasi Notebook Laptop PC Komputer, Cara Memeriksa Spesifikasi Notebook Laptop PC Komputer, Cara Mudah Mengenal Spesifikasi Notebook Laptop PC Komputer, Panduan Mengenal Komputer Spesifikasi Laptop Notebook, Panduan Periksa PC Komputer Spesifikasi Laptop Notebook, Cara Terbaru untuk Mengenal PC Laptop Komputer Spesifikasi Notebook, Mengetahui Sederhana dan Memeriksa PC Laptop Komputer Spesifikasi Notebook, Apa itu Komputer PC Laptop Spesifikasi Notebook, Tentang Cara Memeriksa Komputer PC Laptop Spesifikasi Notebook, Tutorial Cara Mengetahui Spesifikasi Notebook Laptop PC Komputer, Check PC-Laptop Specifications, How to Check Check PC-Laptop Specifications at, Guide Check PC Laptop Specifications via, How to Check Laptop PC Specs at

     If you buy a laptop (PC), make sure you know the specifications so you can find out the performance and capabilities of these laptops. In addition, you can also find out before installing Game-Software, whether your PCs are adequate or not. By checking you can find out the type of processor, RAM, hard disk capacity, VGA, and so on. With this information you can choose the type of Operating System, Software, up to the Game you want to choose. This can also be used to check PCs before buying.

     There are various ways to find out or check the PC-Laptop specifications, you can use the Manual method that is already available on PC-Laptop (Default), or you can check online using an internet connection. But whatever the method usually results are the same and accurate. The following are ways to check your PC specifications:


1. With DXDiag
    The first way without having to use the Software is to check the PC Laptop Specifications. This method is also the easiest because it can be used even though it is not connected to the Internet (Online). Here is a way to find out the specifications of laptops via DXDiag:
- Please open the RUN or by tapping Windows + R on the keyboard
- Then type the word dxdiag in the column, then press Enter
- Information will appear regarding the Specifications of your Laptop PC

2. Using CPU-Z Software
    If you want to get more detailed and complete information, you can use the CPU-Z application. How do you install CPU-Z Software, you can download it at the site:
Install then Open Software, Information will appear regarding the Specifications of your Laptop PC

3. Check Online
    You can also check Laptop Specifications online, without having to download the application.
How to visit the site:
Will appear on your Laptop PC Specifications

You can use any method, because the results will be the same.

    That's how to check the Computer (PC) Specifications - Laptop easily and quickly, hopefully useful. Thank you for visiting Next Siooon.

Keyword: Spesifikasi Notebook Laptop PC Komputer, Cara Memeriksa Spesifikasi Notebook Laptop PC Komputer, Cara Tahu Spesifikasi Notebook Laptop PC Komputer, Cara Memeriksa Spesifikasi Notebook Laptop PC Komputer, Cara Mudah Mengenal Spesifikasi Notebook Laptop PC Komputer, Panduan Mengenal Komputer Spesifikasi Laptop Notebook, Panduan Periksa PC Komputer Spesifikasi Laptop Notebook, Cara Terbaru untuk Mengenal PC Laptop Komputer Spesifikasi Notebook, Mengetahui Sederhana dan Memeriksa PC Laptop Komputer Spesifikasi Notebook, Apa itu Komputer PC Laptop Spesifikasi Notebook, Tentang Cara Memeriksa Komputer PC Laptop Spesifikasi Notebook, Tutorial Cara Mengetahui Spesifikasi Notebook Laptop PC Komputer, Check PC-Laptop Specifications, How to Check Check PC-Laptop Specifications at, Guide Check PC Laptop Specifications via, How to Check Laptop PC Specs at

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